Animal Regulation

Metchosin regulates animals and the licensing of dogs by Bylaw. Metchosin uses CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services for licensing administration and for animal control services.  Kennel licences may also be obtained through CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services.

Dog Licenses

Dogs over four months of age must be licensed in the District of Metchosin. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31. For more information on licensing, please see the Animal Control Bylaw below.  In Metchosin, dog licenses can be purchased at the following location:

Metchosin Municipal Hall
4450 Happy Valley Road

All dog licence renewals must be paid direct through the CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services.

Bylaw and Animal Care Services

Please contact CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services at 250-478-0624 for complaints and for animal control matters such as

  • animal impoundment
  • barking dogs
  • biting or dangerous dogs

Animal Control Bylaw, 2023, No. 692