Healthy Community
Healthy Community Advisory Select Committee
The role of the Healthy Community Advisory Select Committee is to support community activities that seek improvements in all those aspects of living in Metchosin which reflect on our health, well-being and happiness while strengthening our sense of community.
The Committee usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:30 pm in the Council Chambers.
Healthy Community Advisory Select Committee Terms of Reference
Metchosin Village Square Project
In early 2016, a conversation began around the lack of places for young children to play in Metchosin. This conversation evolved into a larger discussion of a potential public space that would be accessible to residents of all ages and abilities to gather, socialize, and play.
After holding a community-wide consultation on the topic in April 2017, the Healthy Communities Advisory Select Committee decided to apply for a grant that would allow for the planning and creation of a new public space in Metchosin that would foster both physical activity and community connection.
In August 2017, a grant of almost $30,000 was received from a partnership between BC Alliance for Healthy Living, BC Healthy Communities Society and the Province of BC. The money was awarded to help create more active communities in BC, and for our project specifically, to begin community consultation and design of a new active public space in Metchosin.
The grant project spans from October 2017 - October 2018, and will include a number of different events, meetings, discussions and consultations. The project is headed by a Healthy Communities steering committee that is working with the firm RC Strategies + PERC to complete the project and produce a report that can be referenced for future planning and funding.
By the end of the consultation, we will have answered the following questions:
- What is this space going to consist of?
- Where is it going to be located?
- What amenities will it require?
- How much will it cost?
- Who/what grants can help build it/finance it?
- What body will take care of it and oversee it?
Included on the project steering committee are representatives from a number of community organizations, including:
- Metchosin Community Association (MCA)
- Metchosin Arts and Cultural Centre Association (MACCA)
- Metchosin Museum Society
- St. Mary's Church
- Metchosin Hall Society
- Seniors Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
- Metchosin Co-op Preschool
- Metchosin Fire Hall
- Metchosin Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
- Metchosin Centre/Business Association
What are the three most important things for people to know about this space?
- That it will be built with grassroots support from the community, taking full advantage of all the knowledge, connections, and abilities of Metchosin’s residents
- That is will be an attractive place that fits with Metchosin’s rustic and rural aesthetic, and not at all an “urban” space
- That it will welcome people of all ages and mobilities, encourage activity and nurture community engagement
For Historical Agendas and Minutes click here
Committee Members
Councillor Sharie Epp, Council Liaison
Shari Rourke, Chair
Shannon Carman
Sarah Anthony
Jim MacPherson
Krista Johnny, BBFN Liaison
Barrett Fullerton, MSA/SIRC Liaison
Deirdre Chettleburgh, MSA/SIRC Liaison
Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop, Liaison