The District of Metchosin places high value on its green spaces, which include many parks and trail systems for residents and visitors to enjoy. Please see the separate links below for descriptions on individual parks and trails in Metchosin.
To report a problem or maintenance issue at a community park or trail, please call the Municipal Hall at 250-474-3167 or email
Blinkhorn Lake Nature Park
Buckbrush Swamp Park
Carlton Cosh Nature Park
Eleanor Mann Park
Metchosin Wilderness Park
Blaney Trail Ocean Lookout
Bob Mountain Trail
Hillman Trail
Horse Trail
LaBonne Trail
Latoria Creek Community Bridge
Libra Trail
Lisandra Trail
Lusse Way Trail
Matheson Lake Trail
Montreul Hill Trail
Mount Ash Lookout
Pearson College Trail
Ron Weir Trail
Sea Bluff Trail
Sweet Chestnut/Labonne Trail
Upper/Lower Labonne Trail
Wayne's Rock Trail