Cougar Information

If you see a cougar, please call
Conservation Officer  1-877-952-7277

Province of BC website:  Staying safe around wildlife -Cougars

The Municipal Office posts reported cougar sightings for our residents 250-474-3167

Bear Information

If you see a bear please call:
Conservation Officer  1-877-952-7277

The Municipal Office posts all reported bear sightings for our residents 250-474-3167.

The BC Ministry of Environment's Bear Smart Community Program encourages efforts to reduce bear-human conflicts.  Some things you can do to help to bear-proof your home:

Habitat Acquisition Trust  (HAT)

Habitat Acquisition Trust is a land trust in downtown Victoria that works to conserve habitat and plant and animal species (especially those that are at-risk) throughout the Capitol Regional District. The general website is: and specific to their bat program is:    

For further information please contact:

Katie Bell
Bat Stewardship Coordinator, HAT
Phone: 250-995-2428
Bat related inquiries:
All other general inquiries: