Intermunicipal Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (IACDI)
Metchosin is a member of the Intermunicpal Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (IACDI), the mandate of which is to advise all Councils in the West Shore of the need to establish, develop and maintain equitable policies, services and facilities for persons with disabilities including, but not limited to: transportation, housing, employment, education and recreation. IACDI sits on and gives input to other important Advisory Committees regarding accessibility issues such as the BC Transit and Accessible Transit Advisory Committees. IACDI will take feedback from Metchosin residents to these Committees.
Meetings are held at the Colwood City Hall on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm or at other locations when hosted by other agencies or municipalities. No meetings will be held in March, June, July, August, or December. Agendas and minutes of the Committee are posted on the City of Colwood website document library.
Metchosin Rep Contact - Sandy Jenkins